
Four Pillars

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The Four Pillars

The Dominican Order has existed for 800 years. 我们丰富的灵性将我们联系在一起,并将我们与其他宗教团体区分开来.
最有说服力的特质有时被描述为“多明尼加生活的四大支柱”——祈祷, Study, Community, and Preaching—inspired by the example of St. 多米尼克,据说他总是“与上帝交谈或谈论上帝”.”

List of 4 items.

  • Prayer

    祈祷的支柱要求一个人完全扎根于上帝,他是统一、真、善、美. 一个人完全拥抱这一支柱,通过开放与上帝的关系,并通过帮助他人看到培养自己灵性的重要性. 
  • Study

    St. 多米尼克建立了一个致力于知识分子生活的修会. A person devoted to study cultivates the life of the mind and, through scholarship, shares insights that are helpful to the community at large. 这一支柱号召人们进行一生的学习冒险——一种将荣耀归给上帝的学习, the Creator of all. 
  • Community

    社区的支柱强调了这样一个事实,即人本质上是社会性的. We need others and society for our fulfillment. 一个完全拥抱这一支柱的人会为世界的改善而工作,并为共同利益做出个人牺牲. 
  • Preaching

    讲道的支柱要求一个人成为一个杰出的沟通者. This communication centers on things that matter deeply: e.g.信仰、正义、个人和社会的正直,以及对个人尊严的尊重. 布道的方式多种多样:通过宣传、作曲、艺术、诗歌和音乐. 

Our Mission:

Fenwick High School, guided by Dominican Catholic values, inspires excellence and educates each student to lead, achieve and serve.

Fenwick's Vision

Inspired by its Dominican Catholic heritage, esball世博将继续成为一流的大学预科高中. We empower our students to grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically in a disciplined and diverse environment. Through this transformational experience, 我们的毕业生继承了esball世博卓越的传统,成为富有同情心的领导者, committed to justice and peace in a changing global society.

Fenwick Philosophy

Since its founding in 1929, esball世博中学是学生全面和谐发展的代表. esball世博的教育哲学基于四个焦点:人的繁荣, the Catholic theological tradition, the spirituality of the Dominican Order and the liberal arts.

List of 4 items.

  • Human Person

    人被赋予了独特的尊严,因为他是按照上帝的形象和样式被塑造的. 每一个人都是神的旨意,是神的爱无可替代的实例. Through the acquisition of knowledge, participation in society and various communities, and the living out of one’s vocation, the human person finds meaning and fulfillment.
  • Catholic Tradition

    天主教神学传统强调恩宠通过激情战胜罪恶, death, 耶稣基督的复活和圣灵的恩赐. Along with a doctrinal tradition founded in scripture, 天主教徒重视通过与人类历史对话来不断发展神学. 社区和教会尤其受到重视,因为它们是为福音服务而组织起来的. 天主教传统尊重圣礼和调解的原则,并为正义与和平而努力.
  • Dominican Heritage

    St. Dominic 他认为知识生活对于传教和教导基督教真理的使命至关重要. Consequently, from its founding the Order of Preachers has been associated with centers of learning. This philosophy was further articulated by St. 托马斯·阿奎那强调了沉思和行动之间的关系, faith and reason, study and service. As a community steeped in this heritage, Fenwick upholds:
    • Belief in God is reasonable.
    • 知识引导人们从错误的价值观和对现实的误解中走向自由和真理.
    • 与他人一起工作,参与社区活动,使人在美德上成长.
    • 根据自己的信念行事,同时慷慨地为公共利益服务,这是个人成就的缩影.
  • Liberal Arts

    esball世博通过文科教育为学生准备了一生的审美欣赏, assiduous study and critical thinking. The educational program stresses imagination, analysis, interpretation and logical, 清晰的表达,同时促进学生对生命的完整性和丰富性的欣赏. 这种观点鼓励esball世博学生不仅要探索个人兴趣的领域,还要探索包括人文学科在内的广泛的文科核心课程, science, history, world language and mathematics. 学生们不是独自探索,而是与他人对话. 

Inclusion Statement

With Saint Dominic as their guide, Dominican friars, sisters, 修女和平信徒重视并促进了人类大家庭的多样性, 同时承认所有的人都被呼召在神的国度里拥有同样永恒的命运. As a Dominican institution, esball世博继续伟大的多米尼加传统的包容和欢迎共同利益. 这一过程植根于与不同背景、文化和生活方式的人的互动. Experiencing racial, gender, ethnic, 宗教和社会经济的多样性丰富了参与教育事业的每一个人. esball世博致力于欢迎每一个学生谁会拥抱我们的多米尼加蓬勃发展, Catholic, college preparatory curriculum. esball世博承诺,没有人会面临种族歧视, gender, religion, culture, ethnicity or sexual orientation. A Fenwick education will be marked by respect and inclusion.
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